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Leveraging HPC for large-scale CFD computations

60 minDefine CFD workflow
  • What are the steps in running CFD on HPC?
  • What is the most appropriate work strategy for HPC?
75 minPlan the simulations
  • How many simulations do I need?
  • What CFD tool is appropriate to solve this problem?
  • Does my simulation require the use of HPC?
90 minEstimate HPC requirements
  • What are the considerations to estimate the total mesh size of a simulation?
  • How do I estimate the total time steps needed for a simulation?
  • What are the various approaches to estimate the memory and storage requirements of a simulation?
  • What parameters are involved in computing the total simulation costs?
75 minPreprocessing
  • What is the optimal workflow and toolset needed to preprocess a CFD simulation?
  • What are the considerations in the geometry and mesh generation process?
  • How do I determine, a priori, if my mesh is good?
  • What parameters should I consider in setting the simulation?
90 minOptimizing HPC
  • How do I perform a weak and strong scaling analysis?
  • How do I determine the optimal HPC system for a given code?
  • How do I effectively use HPC resources?
75 minRun simulations on HPC
  • How do I organize simulation files on the cluster?
  • How do I run a large-scale CFD simulation on HPC systems?
  • How do I monitor the simulation during runtime?
  • How do I save data efficiently?
75 minPostprocessing
  • How do I organize my results on the cluster?
  • How do I visualize my large-scale CFD data?
  • How do I plan my postprocessing workflow?